European Journal of Chemistry

Synthesis and biological evaluation of novel β-hydroxy benzimidazolyl sulfone fluoroquinolones by selective oxidation using ammonium molybdate catalysed H2O2

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Batthini Guruswamy
Rama Krishnan Arul
Muggu Venkata Satya Rama Krishna Chaitan
Sai Subrahmanya Praveen Kumar Darsi


Synthesis of new β-hydroxy benzimidazolyl sulfides (4a-e) and β-hydroxy benzimidazolyl sulfones (5a-e) containing 7-piperazine fluoroquinolones have been described and evaluated for their antimicrobial activity. Benzoxazine fluoroquinolone carboxylic acid, 1, on reaction with piperazine in presence of triethylamine in acetonitrile under reflux resulted 7-piperazine bezoxazole fluoroquinolone, 2. The latter is reacted with epichlorohydrine in presence of NaOH in acetone yielded corresponding N-substituted epoxide, 3, with retained chirality, which on treatment with 5-substituted-2-mercaptobenzimidazoles given the corresponding β-hydroxy bezimidazolyl sulfides (4a-e). Further compounds 4a-e on treatment with H2O2 and ammonium molybdate in dichloromethane yielded the β-hydroxy bezimidazolyl sulfones, 5a-e. The antimicrobial activity of newly synthesized compounds along with levofloxacin (reference drug) were evaluated against different microorganisms and found many of the evaluated compounds have been exhibited remarkable activity.


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How to Cite
Guruswamy, B.; Arul, R. K.; Chaitan, M. V. S. R. K.; Darsi, S. S. P. K. Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of Novel β-Hydroxy Benzimidazolyl Sulfone Fluoroquinolones by Selective Oxidation Using Ammonium Molybdate Catalysed H2O2. Eur. J. Chem. 2013, 4, 329-335.

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Supporting Agencies

Neuland Laboratories Limited, Hyderabad (A.P.), India, Indian Institute of Chemical Technology (IICT), Hyderabad, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Kukatpally, India.
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