The European Journal of Chemistry is committed to upholding the utmost quality in its articles and expects the authors to uphold and comply with publication ethics throughout the submission-to-publication process. The European Journal of Chemistry authors should be aware of the Article Withdrawal Policy.

Article Withdrawal

Article withdrawal can be done only in the prepublication step, and withdrawal is possible by either the author or Atlanta Publishing House LLC. Author withdrawal is accepted only under compelling or unavoidable conditions existing at their institution or any arise of conflict with coauthors. In this case, the editorial office accepts a formally signed letter from all authors explaining the reason for the withdrawal. The publisher has the right to withdraw if an article is imposed to violate the ethical standards, especially by multiple submissions, plagiarism, fraudulent use of data without the consent of the original author, and bogus claims of authorship. If the author withdraws a manuscript after the copyediting stage, the open-access publication charges of the article, if paid by the author(s), will not be refunded.

To avoid withdrawal of a manuscript, we sincerely request that the authors, especially the corresponding author, the first author, and the guarantor of submission, address the following issues before submitting the manuscript to the European Journal of Chemistry:

Before submission of the manuscript, it is essential for all authors, including the corresponding authors and coauthors, to ensure consensus about the number of authors, the order of authorship, and the integrity of the research. It is recommended to address any differences of opinion among the authors and resolve them collectively before proceeding with the submission. Ideally, the determination of the number of authors, the order of authors and their contributions to the manuscript should be established even before starting the writing process.

The authors should conduct a thorough review prior to submission to diligently verify the accuracy, integrity, and error-free nature of the facts and data presented in the manuscript. Furthermore, in the event of any differences of opinion, it is crucial to address the concerns of all authors before submitting the manuscript to the European Journal of Chemistry.

Before submitting their manuscripts to the European Journal of Chemistry, research students or researchers should seek permission from their guides and professors. Furthermore, it is important to ensure that the facts and data presented in the manuscript are the original work of the authors. The authors should confirm that they have obtained permission, as required by departmental and/or institutional policies, to use materials and resources in the study. If data or facts are incorporated from any other individual or source, it is crucial to have obtained the appropriate written permissions.

Before submitting the manuscript for publication, it is important to ensure that all authors are in agreement regarding the specific journal to which it will be submitted. It is important not to submit manuscripts to multiple journals or submit the same manuscript to the same journal more than once. Furthermore, before submitting the manuscript, it is crucial to inform all authors of the journal’s name to which the manuscript is being submitted and provide them with a copy of the final version. It is imperative that all authors give their consent to publish the articles in the European Journal of Chemistry prior to the submission process.

Authors should ensure that an article is submitted to a single journal only. It is important not to make submissions to multiple journals or submit the same article to the same journal more than once. Before making a new submission, it is crucial to ensure that the manuscript has been properly withdrawn from previous publisher, if it had previously been submitted.

Authors should follow publishing ethics (details are included in our Publishing Ethics page:

It is unacceptable to withdraw a manuscript from the European Journal of Chemistry because it is accepted by another journal.

If the authors do not respond to communication from the editorial office, even after multiple reminders, at any stage of the publication process; the European Journal of Chemistry holds all rights to disclose the conduct of the authors and content of the manuscript without further approval from the authors and cannot be held responsible for the consequences arising from it.