European Journal of Chemistry

Crystal structure, thermal behavior and vibrational studies of tetraethylammonium dihydrogenarsenate bis-arsenic acid [(C2H5)4N].[H2AsO4].[H3AsO4]2

Main Article Content

Ikram Dhouib
Philippe Guionneau
Tahar Mhiri
Zakaria Elaoud


An organic-inorganic hybrid compound of tetraethylammonium dihydrogenarsenate bis-arsenic acid salts of formula [(CH3CH2)4N].[H2AsO4].[H3AsO4]2(TEAs) were grown by the slow evaporation and characterized by means of single crystal X-ray diffraction, thermal analysis, FT-IR and Raman spectroscopy. This compound crystallize in the space groups Cc with unit cell parameters, a= 20.105(2) Å; b= 7.342(4) Å, c = 15.292(2) Å, γ = 115(4)°, Z = 4, R= 0.07. The structure has solved using direct methods and refined by least-squares analysis. In this case, the structure consists of infinite parallel two-dimensional planes built of mutually H2AsO4, H3AsO4 tetrahedra connected by strong O-H···O hydrogen bonding. The thermoanalytical properties were studied using TG of TEAs method in the temperature ranges from 300 to 440 K for this hygroscopic sample. DSC measurement was carried out in the temperature range from 305 to 425 K.

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How to Cite
Dhouib, I.; Guionneau, P.; Mhiri, T.; Elaoud, Z. Crystal Structure, Thermal Behavior and Vibrational Studies of Tetraethylammonium Dihydrogenarsenate Bis-Arsenic Acid [(C2H5)4N].[H2AsO4].[H3AsO4]2. Eur. J. Chem. 2014, 5, 388-393.

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