European Journal of Chemistry

Synthesis of industrially important platform chemicals via olefin metathesis of palash fatty acid methyl esters

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Yelchuri Vyshnavi
Rachapudi Badari Narayana Prasad
Mallampalli Sri Lakshmi Karuna


The study signifies the importance of olefin metathesis in developing industrially important platform chemicals from a non-edible renewable resource, palash oil using Grubb’s second generation catalyst. The reaction conditions were optimized by varying the concentration of the catalyst, 0.03-0.05 mM and the temperature, 45-100 °C of the reaction. Maximum yield of the metathesized products, as analysed using GC/GC-MS were obtained employing lower concentration of the catalyst, 0.03 Mm and temperature, 45 °C for 36 h. The metathesized products showed the formation of hydrocarbons namely 9-octadecene (10.9%) and cyclodecacyclotetradecene (27%) as major. The formation of cyclodecacyclotetradecene was observed for the first time. The study also describes the possible routes and the molecules involved in the formation of the metathesized products.

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How to Cite
Vyshnavi, Y.; Prasad, R. B. N.; Karuna, M. S. L. Synthesis of Industrially Important Platform Chemicals via Olefin Metathesis of Palash Fatty Acid Methyl Esters. Eur. J. Chem. 2014, 5, 532-535.

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Supporting Agencies

Academy of Scientific and Innovative Research-Indian Institute of Chemical Technology, India

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