European Journal of Chemistry

Ultra-violet spectra studies of photodegradation of PVC films in presence of Fe(III) chelate complex

Main Article Content

Emad Yousif
Raghad Haddad
Ameer Abbas Ameer
Yip-Foo Win


A complex of Fe(III) with 4-amino-5-(pyridyl)-4H-1,2,4-triazole-3-thiol was prepared and evaluated as a photodegradation for rigid poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC). Polyvinyl chloride dissolved with Fe(III) complex in THF solvent to form PVC films of 5% (40 μm) thickness containing different concentrations (0.01, 0.02, 0.03, 0.04 and 0.05 g) of the complex by weight. These different samples were produced by the casting method from the solvent. The photodegradation of films was investigated using UV-visible spectra. The photostabilization activity of these compounds was determined by calculating the photodecomposition rate constant (Kd) for modified PVC films against a blank.

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How to Cite
Yousif, E.; Haddad, R.; Ameer, A. A.; Win, Y.-F. Ultra-Violet Spectra Studies of Photodegradation of PVC Films in Presence of Fe(III) Chelate Complex. Eur. J. Chem. 2014, 5, 607-611.

Article Details

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Supporting Agencies

AAl-Nahrain University, Al-Ghurair University and University Tunku Abdul Rahman
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