European Journal of Chemistry

Determination of voglibose in pharmaceutical formulations by high performance liquid chromatography using refractive index detection

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Karunanidhi Lakshmi
Tirumala Rajesh


Voglibose is a potent glucosidase inhibitor used for type II diabetes mellitus. A simple and rapid high performance liquid chromatographic method with refractive index detection was developed for the determination of voglibose in pharmaceutical formulations. Development was performed on a C18 (250 x 4.6 mm, 5 µ) column using a mobile phase mixture of acetonitrile and water in the ratio of 50:50 which was fixed at a flow rate of 0.5 mL/min. Polarity of voglibose was found to be positive and elution time was found to be less than 5 min. The method was also validated as per ICH guidelines for its linearity, precision, accuracy and robustness. The limit of detection and quantification (LOD and LOQ) were found to be 2.91 and 9.7 µg/mL. The method could be successfully applied for the quantification of voglibose in pharmaceutical formulations.


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How to Cite
Lakshmi, K.; Rajesh, T. Determination of Voglibose in Pharmaceutical Formulations by High Performance Liquid Chromatography Using Refractive Index Detection. Eur. J. Chem. 2010, 1, 262-265.

Article Details

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University Grants Commission, New Delhi, India
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