European Journal of Chemistry

Analytic perturbation theory to study the effect of screening on alignment of atomic inner shell vacancies

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Ajay Sharma
Raj Mittal


An analytic perturbation theory has been developed for screened Coulomb radial wave functions by interpolating the screened Coulomb potential of McEnnan for elements lanthanum to uranium and was used to calculate alignment of vacancies in L3 sub shell. To check the authenticity of the present method of calculation, the intermediate steps are compared with our earlier formulation of point Coulomb potential for the calculations. A close agreement has been obtained among the values of intermediate steps involved in both the formulations that proved the reliability of present calculations and prompted us to extend the calculations for the elements lanthanum to uranium in the energy region threshold to 60 keV.


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How to Cite
Sharma, A.; Mittal, R. Analytic Perturbation Theory to Study the Effect of Screening on Alignment of Atomic Inner Shell Vacancies. Eur. J. Chem. 2010, 1, 381-384.

Article Details

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