European Journal of Chemistry

Synthesis of novel cyanoacetamides derivatives and their urease inhibition studies

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Abdul Rauf
Khalil Ahmed Nazish
Faiz-ul Hassan Nasim
Asma Yaqoob
Ashfaq Mahmood Qureshi


The present study reports a convenient approach for the synthesis of cyanoacetamide based derivatives (7-27) via two-step process involving Knoevenagel reaction, followed by three component reaction to avail desired compounds. All the synthesized compounds were obtained in good to excellent yield and extensively characterized employing 1H NMR, 13C NMR, mass spectrometry and physical parameters. Further, these compounds were screened for urease inhibition. All of the synthesized compounds exhibited good to excellent urease activity notably compound 15 and 19 showed excellent urease inhibition activity with IC50 value ~17.34 μg/mL and 36.75 μg/mL in comparison to thiourea (used as standard) having IC50 value ~27.5 μg/mL.

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How to Cite
Rauf, A.; Nazish, K. A.; Nasim, F.- ul H.; Yaqoob, A.; Qureshi, A. M. Synthesis of Novel Cyanoacetamides Derivatives and Their Urease Inhibition Studies. Eur. J. Chem. 2015, 6, 163-168.

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