European Journal of Chemistry

Synthesis and crystal structure of poly{bis-(3-nitro-2,4-pentanediono)-copper(II)}, [Cu(NO2-acac)2]n

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Najat Lauibi Ghali
Mohammed Jassim Al-Assadi
Hadi Salman Al-Lami
Abdul Amir Hassan Kadhum


The organo-inorganic polymer, poly[{Cu(NO2-acac)2}3]n, has been prepared and its crystal structure was determined. The structure consists of a trimeric unit in which, acetylacetone ligated symmetrically to copper atoms that pose in the center of octahedrons. The three octahedral fragments of the trimer are linked to each other through nitro group. Crystal Data: C10H12CuN2O8, Mr = 351.76, triclinic, P-1 (No. 2), a = 5.8237(2) Å, b = 7.7963(3) Å, c = 7.8847(3) Å, α = 81.988(2)°, b = 75.294(2)°, γ = 72.217(2)°, V = 328.98(2) Å3, T = 143(2) K, Z = 1, Z' = 0.5, μ(Mo Kα) = 1.703, 3021 reflections measured, 1421 unique (Rint = 0.0156) which were used in all calculations. The final wR2 was 0.0686 (all data) and R1 was 0.0217 (I > 2σ (I)).

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How to Cite
Ghali, N. L.; Al-Assadi, M. J.; Al-Lami, H. S.; Kadhum, A. A. H. Synthesis and Crystal Structure of poly{bis-(3-Nitro-2,4-Pentanediono)-copper(II)}, [Cu(NO2-acac)2]n. Eur. J. Chem. 2017, 8, 109-111.

Article Details

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Supporting Agencies

Chemical Engineering, the National University of Malaysia, Malaysia
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