European Journal of Chemistry

A new facile and efficient synthesis of 2-((5-aryl-1,3,4-oxadiazol-2-yl) methoxy)-3-methyl quinoxaline and 3-methylquinoxalin-2-yl-2-(5-aryl-2H-tetrazol-2-yl)acetate derivatives

Main Article Content

Shashikala Kethireddy
Hemalatha Kotakommula
Laxminarayana Eppakayala
Thirumala Chary Mariganti


Newly synthesized compounds containing quinoxaline ring fused with tetrazoles and oxadiazoles show array of pharmacological activities, especially, anti-inflammatory, analgesic and anticonvulsant activities. The ability to serve as surrogates or bioisosteres for carboxylic acids, esters and carboxamides made them important moieties in drug designing. Considering the importance of quinoxalines, tetrazoles and 1,3,4-oxadiazoles to both medicinal and heterocyclic chemistry, the following 2-((5-aryl-1,3,4-oxadiazol-2-yl)methoxy)-3-methyl quinoxaline and 3-methylquinoxalin-2-yl-2-(5-aryl-2H-tetrazol-2-yl)acetate derivatives are synthesized. The structures of the synthesized compounds were confirmed by 1H NMR, 13C NMR and Mass spectral data. All the synthesized derivatives were tested in vitro for their antibacterial activity.

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How to Cite
Kethireddy, S.; Kotakommula, H.; Eppakayala, L.; Mariganti, T. C. A New Facile and Efficient Synthesis of 2-(5-Aryl-1,3,4-Oxadiazol-2-Yl) Methoxy)-3-Methyl Quinoxaline and 3-Methylquinoxalin-2-Yl-2-(5-Aryl-2H-Tetrazol-2-yl)acetate Derivatives. Eur. J. Chem. 2017, 8, 125-129.

Article Details

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Geethanjali College of Engineering and Technology, Keesara, Rangareddy, 501301, Telangana, India
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