European Journal of Chemistry

Quality by design (QbD) and process analytical technology (PAT) applications in pharmaceutical industry

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Selda Dogan Calhan
Ebru Derici Eker
Nefise Ozlen Sahin


Quality by Design (QbD) for the pharmaceutical industry includes the design, development and production control of products and production processes from the beginning to the end of the product development phase for ensuring the consistent quality of a pharmaceutical product. The QbD is a systematic scientific approach aimed at meeting the needs of the patient in the desired and targeted quality and aiming to produce the same quality pharmaceutical product in this direction. Process Analytical Technology, which is assessed in that regard, is part of a design quality approach that is used to design, analyze, and control real-time measurements of quality and performance criteria for raw and processed materials to achieve the desired final product. This scientific and systematic approach to pharmaceutical product development, which is also acknowledged and supported by the health authorities, serves to the changing and developing pharmaceutical sector.

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How to Cite
Calhan, S. D.; Eker, E. D.; Sahin, N. O. Quality by Design (QbD) and Process Analytical Technology (PAT) Applications in Pharmaceutical Industry. Eur. J. Chem. 2017, 8, 430-433.

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