European Journal of Chemistry

X-ray structures of organic salts between diethanolamine and ortho- and para-isomers of aminobenzoic acid: A specific synthon responsible for an association of the components


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Aziz Bakhtiyarovich Ibragimov
Bakhtiyar Sabirkhanovich Zakirov
Bakhtiyar Tulyaganovich Ibragimov
Jamshid Mengnorovich Ashurov


Two organic salts between diethanolamine (DEA) and ortho- and para-isomers (OABA and PABA) of aminobenzoic acid (ABA) have been obtained and their X-ray single crystal structures determined. In both salts, cationic and anionic components are incorporated into dimers by the two H-bonds formed between ABA carboxylate oxygen atoms and nitrogen and one of oxygen atoms of DEA which close a cycle with the graph-set notation of R22(9). Further dimers are associated by intricate systems of the H-bonds into 1D- and 3D-network structures in crystals of DEA·OABA and DEA·PABA, respectively. H-bonding which generates these dimers may be considered as a synthon specific for yielding of salts between DEA and mono-substituted aromatic benzoic acids.

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How to Cite
Ibragimov, A. B.; Zakirov, B. S.; Ibragimov, B. T.; Ashurov, J. M. X-Ray Structures of Organic Salts Between Diethanolamine and Ortho- and Para-Isomers of Aminobenzoic Acid: A Specific Synthon Responsible for an Association of the Components. Eur. J. Chem. 2018, 9, 121-125.

Article Details

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