European Journal of Chemistry

Comparison of the leaving groups during the study of the aquation of halopentaammine cobalt(III) complex in tartarate at different percentage of tert-butanol


Main Article Content

Farah Samih Zeitouni
Mohammad Fawzi Amira
Gehan Moustafa El-Subruiti
Ghassan Omar Younes


The experimental kinetic study of aquation for both complexes bromopentaammine cobalt(III) and chloropentaammine cobalt(III) ions in the presence of tartarate solution in mixed solvent media of water with tert-butanol (10-50%, v:v) was examined spectrophotometrically at different temperatures (30-60 °C) by comparing the special effects of the leaving group of chloro and bromo on the rate constant of aquation. Comparison of kip (rate constant of ion-pairing) for both complexes and show the non-linear plots of log (kip) ion-pair rate constants against the reciprocal of the dielectric constant D. The thermodynamic analyses of the kinetic data for both complexes have been discussed in terms of solvent effect on the ion-pair aquation reactions. The obtained isokinetic temperatures of these systems indicate the existence of compensation effect arising from solute-solvent interaction. The excessive change of ΔHip* and ΔSip* with the mole fraction of the co-solvent can be recognized to the change of the physical properties of the solvent-water mixture with the solvent structure. Undersized changes in ΔGip* with the mole fraction of the co-solvent was found, representing a compensating effects between ΔHip* and ΔSip*.

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How to Cite
Zeitouni, F. S.; Amira, M. F.; El-Subruiti, G. M.; Younes, G. O. Comparison of the Leaving Groups During the Study of the Aquation of Halopentaammine cobalt(III) Complex in Tartarate at Different Percentage of Tert-Butanol. Eur. J. Chem. 2018, 9, 228-235.

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Supporting Agencies

Chemistry Department, Faculty of Science, Beirut Arab University, Riad El-Solh, Beirut, 11072809, Lebanon.

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