European Journal of Chemistry

Crystal structure of (2E)-1-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-3-(4-methoxyphenyl)prop-2-en-1-one


Main Article Content

Fatma Yesilyurt
Abdullah Aydin
Halise Inci Gul
Mehmet Akkurt
Nefise Dilek Ozcelik


The compound, C16H14O3, (except H atoms) is almost planar [r.m.s. deviations for all non-H atoms = 0.001 Å] and the dihedral angle between the aromatic rings is 9.35 (7)°. In the crystal, molecules are linked by intermolecular O—H···O and C—H···O hydrogen bonds, forming a three-dimensional network structure. Furthermore, a weak π-π stacking interactions [centroid-to-centroid distance = 3.7055 (9) Å] contributes to the stabilization of the molecular packing. Crystal Data for C16H14O3 (= 254.27 g/mol): Orthorhombic, space group Pbca (no. 61), a = 13.4563(16) Å, b = 11.4986(14) Å, c = 16.720(2) Å, = 2587.1(5) Å3, Z = 8, T = 296(2) K, μ(MoKα) = 0.090 mm-1, Dcalc = 1.306 g/cm3, 61402 reflections measured (4.88° ≤ 2Θ ≤ 56.76°), 3240 unique (Rint = 0.0334, Rsigma = 0.0120) which were used in all calculations. The final R1 was 0.0438 (I≥2σ(I)) and wR2 was 0.1228 (all data).

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How to Cite
Yesilyurt, F.; Aydin, A.; Gul, H. I.; Akkurt, M.; Ozcelik, N. D. Crystal Structure of (2E)-1-(4-Hydroxyphenyl)-3-(4-methoxyphenyl)prop-2-En-1-One. Eur. J. Chem. 2018, 9, 147-150.

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Supporting Agencies

Aksaray University, Science and Technology Application and Research Center, Aksaray, Turkey, for the use of the Bruker SMART BREEZE CCD diffractometer (Grant No. 2010K120480 of the State of Planning Organization)
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