European Journal of Chemistry

Structural characterization and crystal packing of the isoquinoline derivative


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Viktor Vrabel
Lubomir Svorc
Julius Sivy
Stefan Marchalin
Peter Safar


We report the crystal and molecular structure of a new isoquinoline-derivative, namely methyl O-[(11R, 11aS)-4-oxo-1, 3, 4, 6, 11, 11a-hexahydro-2H-pyrido[1, 2-b]isoquinolin-11-yl]carbonodithioate (I), C15H17NO2S2, which crystallizes in the non-centrosymmetric space group P212121 and its absolute structure was confirmed by anomalous dispersion effects in diffraction measurements on the crystals. Two central six-membered heterocyclic rings adopt a distorted half-chair conformation. The molecules are linked by a combination of weak C—H∙∙∙O, C—H∙∙∙S, C—H∙∙∙p inter- and intra-molecular interactions resulting in a three-dimensional network in the crystal structure. Crystal Data for C15H17NO2S2 (=307.41 g/mol): orthorhombic, space group P212121 (no. 19), a = 5.2804(5) Å, b = 8.1347(17) Å, c = 35.015(4) Å, = 1504.1(4) Å3, Z = 4, T = 298(2) K, μ(MoKα) = 0.354 mm-1, Dcalc =1.358 g/cm3, 20270 reflections measured (5.522° ≤ 2Θ ≤ 50.69°), 2757 unique (Rint = 0.0346, Rsigma = 0.0203) which were used in all calculations. The final R1 was 0.0389 (I > 2σ(I)) and wR2 was 0.0965 (all data).

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How to Cite
Vrabel, V.; Svorc, L.; Sivy, J.; Marchalin, S.; Safar, P. Structural Characterization and Crystal Packing of the Isoquinoline Derivative. Eur. J. Chem. 2018, 9, 189-193.

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Supporting Agencies

The Slovak Research and Development Agency (APVV 0204-10) and the Grant Agency of the Slovak Republic (VEGA 1/0873/15, VEGA 1/0371/16 and KEGA 035STU-4/2017).
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