European Journal of Chemistry

Synthesis, characterization and thermal decomposition of ethyl-2’-amino-5’-cyano-6’-(1H-indole-3yl)-2-oxospiro[indoline-3,4’-pyran]-3’-carboxylate under non‐isothermal condition in nitrogen atmosphere


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Ganesan Nalini
Natesan Jayachandramani
Radhakrishnan Suresh
Prakasam Thirumurugan
Venugopal Thanikachalam
Govindasamy Manikandan
Dharmalingam Sankari


A new compound, spiro-oxindole derivative compound namely ethyl-2ʹ-amino-5ʹ-cyano-6ʹ-(1H-indole-3yl)-2-oxospiro[indoline-3,4ʹ-pyran]-3ʹ-carboxylate (EACIOIPC) has been synthesized and characterized by microanalysis, FT-IR, mass spectrum and NMR (1H and 13C) techniques. The thermal decomposition of the compound was studied by thermogravimetric analysis under dynamic nitrogen atmosphere at different heating rates of 10, 15, 20 and 30 K/min. The kinetic parameters were calculated using model-free (Friedman’s, Kissinger-Akahira-Sunose (KAS) and Flynn-Wall-Ozawa (FWO) methods) and model-fitting (Coats and Redfern (CR)) methods. The decomposition process of EACIOIPC followed a single step mechanism as evidenced from the data. Existence of compensation effect is noticed for the decomposition of EACIOIPC. Invariant kinetic parameters are consistent with the average values obtained by Friedman and KAS in conversional methods.

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How to Cite
Nalini, G.; Jayachandramani, N.; Suresh, R.; Thirumurugan, P.; Thanikachalam, V.; Manikandan, G.; Sankari, D. Synthesis, Characterization and Thermal Decomposition of Ethyl-2’-Amino-5’-Cyano-6’-(1H-Indole-3yl)-2-oxospiro[indoline-3,4’-Pyran]-3’-Carboxylate under non‐isothermal Condition in Nitrogen Atmosphere. Eur. J. Chem. 2019, 10, 72-81.

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