European Journal of Chemistry

Inductively coupled plasma with mass-spectrometry method development and validation for gadolinium in gadolinium-based contrast agents of pharmaceutical formulations


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Subramanya Srinivas Kona
Mallesh Changali
Mahesh Kalva
Narasimha Swamy Lakka


Gadolinium-based contrast agent interacts with the human body temporarily and improves the pictures of inside of the body produced by magnetic resonance imaging, computed tomography, X-rays and ultrasound and it also helps to distinguish the normal from abnormal conditions. In this study, the authors developed a simple, rapid, reliable and robust inductively coupled plasma mass-spectrometry method for estimation of gadolinium in gadolinium-based contrast agents to check the drug quality and ensure the patient safety. The samples were digested at 160°C using the microwave digestion system and the gadolinium was extracted in 0.4% (w/w) nitric acid. Interference of deposited gadolinium on sample cone and skimmer cone were investigated and evaluated. The developed method was validated as per ICH Q2 (R1) guideline and USP<730>. The precision was evaluated with six independent assays of gadolinium in each gadolinium-based contrast agent. The test method was found linear (r2 > 0.999) with five different levels covered from 25~200%, and accurate, mean recoveries were 92.5~107.5% at three different levels covered from 50~150%. The robustness was performed by changing the nitric acid concentration (0.4±0.04%, w/w) in diluent system. This method is suitable to quantitatively determine the amount of gadolinium in gadolinium-based contrast agent of drug products in presence of excipients used in formulation and also in drug substance.

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How to Cite
Kona, S. S.; Changali, M.; Kalva, M.; Lakka, N. S. Inductively Coupled Plasma With Mass-Spectrometry Method Development and Validation for Gadolinium in Gadolinium-Based Contrast Agents of Pharmaceutical Formulations. Eur. J. Chem. 2020, 11, 133-138.

Article Details

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Supporting Agencies

Jodas Expoim Private Limited, Hyderabad, 502279, India.
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