European Journal of Chemistry

Synthesis and characterization of a novel series of benzenesulfonylurea and thiourea derivatives of 2H-pyran and 2H-pyridine-2-ones as antibacterial, antimycobacterial and antifungal agents

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Hassan Mostafa Faidallah
Khalid Ali Khan
Abdullah Mohammad Asiri


Arylhydrazines reacted with dehydroacetic acid (1) to give the corresponding 2H-pyran-2-one hydrazones (2), which on treatment with hydrazine hydrate afforded the corresponding 1-amino-2H-pyridin-2-ones (3). Reaction of 3 with nitrous acid, aromatic aldehyde and substituted benzenesulfonyl chlorides yielded the corresponding 2H-pyridine-2-one derivatives. A series of urea and thiourea derivatives were also prepared. Some of these compounds have shown significant antibacterial and mild to moderate antimycobacterial and antifungal activities.2_2_243_250_800

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How to Cite
Faidallah, H. M.; Khan, K. A.; Asiri, A. M. Synthesis and Characterization of a Novel Series of Benzenesulfonylurea and Thiourea Derivatives of 2H-Pyran and 2H-Pyridine-2-Ones As Antibacterial, Antimycobacterial and Antifungal Agents. Eur. J. Chem. 2011, 2, 243-250.

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