European Journal of Chemistry

Novelties of solid-liquid phase transfer catalyzed synthesis of benzyl diethyl phosphate from the sodium salt of diethyl phosphate

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Na Ge
Yumin Zhang
Dongmin Shi
Qiang Gu
Xuefeng Zhu
Zhiyong Ding


Solid-liquid phase transfer catalysis coupled with mixed solvents, which could be recycled, as a green chemistry procedure, was applied to the synthesis of phosphate from the sodium salt of diethyl phosphate. The benzyl diethyl phosphate was synthesized in good yield via one-pot method from the reaction of the industrial by-product sodium salt of diethyl phosphate with benzyl chloride in solid-liquid phase transfer catalysis and toluene-water mixed solvents. The effects of catalyst structure, the amounts of catalyst, the raw material molar ratio, water loading, and reaction temperature on the conversion of the reaction were investigated. The structure of the benzyl diethyl phosphate generated was confirmed by Elemental Analysis, IR, 1H NMR and GC/MS.


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How to Cite
Ge, N.; Zhang, Y.; Shi, D.; Gu, Q.; Zhu, X.; Ding, Z. Novelties of Solid-Liquid Phase Transfer Catalyzed Synthesis of Benzyl Diethyl Phosphate from the Sodium Salt of Diethyl Phosphate. Eur. J. Chem. 2011, 2, 269-271.

Article Details

Author Biography

Qiang Gu, College of Chemistry, Jilin University, Changchun, 130012, China

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Supporting Agencies

Daqing New Century Fine Chemicals Co., Ltd., China
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