European Journal of Chemistry

Spectrophotometric study of complexation between a series of salophens and some transition metal ions in DMF solvent

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Ardeshir Shokrollahi
Mehrourang Ghaedi
Sara Alipour
Ali Hossein Kianfar


The complexation behaviour of some salophen,s derivatives with few transition and heavy metal cations in N,N'-dimethyl formamid as nonaqueous solvent at 25 oC and 0.05 M tetra ethylammonium perchlorate to investigate the effect of structure were studied by spectrophotometric method. The formation of complexes between ligands and metal ions of the types ML, ML2 or M2L was observed. The overall stability constants of such complexes were evaluated by computer refinement of absorption-mole ratio data using the KINFIT program.


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How to Cite
Shokrollahi, A.; Ghaedi, M.; Alipour, S.; Kianfar, A. H. Spectrophotometric Study of Complexation Between a Series of Salophens and Some Transition Metal Ions in DMF Solvent. Eur. J. Chem. 2011, 2, 324-330.

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