European Journal of Chemistry

Electrochemical study of the metal extractant 4-chloro-N-8-quinolinylbenzenesulfonamide

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Marta Huebra
Maria Puy Elizalde


The electrochemical behaviour of the reagent 4-chloro-N-8-quinolinylbenzenesulfonamide has been studied by sampled direct current and differential pulse polarography as well as by cyclic voltamperometry techniques. Three reduction waves are obtained and the reversibility and nature of the electrodic processes are discussed. The first and third reduction waves have been explained through chemical reactions and adsorption processes involving the interaction with mercury as electrodic material, whereas the second wave is attributed to the reduction process of the reagent itself. Acidity constant values of the compound in 0.1 M KCl / 25 % methanol medium through polarographic measurements are also given. The influence of the addition of copper to the hydroalcoholic solution in the electrochemical reduction of the reagent is also described.


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How to Cite
Huebra, M.; Elizalde, M. P. Electrochemical Study of the Metal Extractant 4-Chloro-N-8-Quinolinylbenzenesulfonamide. Eur. J. Chem. 2011, 2, 441-447.

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Supporting Agencies

Universidad del Pais Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibersitatea, Bilbao, Spain
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