European Journal of Chemistry

Study on adsorption behavior and separation efficiency of naturally occurring clay for some elements by batch experiments

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Abd El Hakim Taha Kandil
Ebtssam Ahamed Saad
Ayman Ahmed Abdel Aziz
Amir Ezzat Aboelhasan


This paper describes the versatile nature of clay that was obtained from Suez Gulf, Suez city, Egypt, as a new low cost natural resource which is non toxic to ecosystem and highly effective adsorbent material. The properties of the natural clay and its significance in removing Th(IV) and Ce(IV) as a representative of tetravalent actinides and lanthanides, respectively, La(III) as a representative of trivalent lanthanides as well as homologues of americium and Sr(II) as one of the fission products, in aqueous solutions have been studied, in order to consider its application for nuclear waste treatment. Batch experiments have been carried out to determine the effect of various factors such as initial metal ion concentration, clay dose, pH, contact time, and temperature on the adsorption process. The results have dictated that, the adsorption efficiency of the natural clay was significantly high at pH = 4. Maximum metal ion uptake capacity of clay has been obtained from batch studies was 99.24, 98.21, 77.76 and 57.94% for Th(IV), Ce(IV), La(III) and Sr(II), respectively. The thermodynamic parameters (ΔHo, ΔSo and ΔGo) have been calculated from the temperature dependent adsorption isotherms. Furthermore, separation factors (α) have been calculated in order to separate these elements from each other at pH = 4.


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How to Cite
Kandil, A. E. H. T.; Saad, E. A.; Aziz, A. A. A.; Aboelhasan, A. E. Study on Adsorption Behavior and Separation Efficiency of Naturally Occurring Clay for Some Elements by Batch Experiments. Eur. J. Chem. 2012, 3, 99-105.

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Chemistry Department, Faculty of Science, Ain Shams University , Egypte
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