European Journal of Chemistry

Synthesis of some new S-glycosyl pyrimidine and condensed pyrimidine derivatives

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Wesam Saber Shehab
Enaiat Kamel Mohamed


Mercaptopyrimidine (4) was synthesized by the reaction of isothiocyanate and acrylate (1). It was allowed to react with preacetylated sugar bromide and/or halomethylene derivatives to produce alkylated pyrimidines (5,7a-d). Hydrolysis of compound (5) produced compound (6). Interacyclization of compounds (7a-d) afforded thienopyrimidines (8a-d). Moreover oxidation of compound (7b) gave the corresponding thienopyrimidine dioxide (9). Cyanoethylation of compound (4) afforded compound (10) that reacted with hydrazine hydrate to give pyrazolopyrimidine (11). Oxidation of compound 4 afforded bisulphide (12). The cycloaddition product (13) was obtained by reaction of compound 4 with maleic anhydride. Pyrimidopyrimidine, pyrimidopyridazine and tetrazolopyriminde derivatives (16-20) were obtained by reaction of 4-chloropyrimidine (15) with thiourea, benzilhydrazone and sodium azide, respectively. N-alkylated pyrazolopyrimidine (21) was obtained by reaction of compound (15) with acetophenonehydrazone.


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How to Cite
Shehab, W. S.; Mohamed, E. K. Synthesis of Some New S-Glycosyl Pyrimidine and Condensed Pyrimidine Derivatives. Eur. J. Chem. 2012, 3, 241-246.

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Zagazig University, Zagazig, Egypt
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