European Journal of Chemistry

Synthetic utility of enaminoester moiety in heterocyclic synthesis

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Hassan Mohamed Fawzy Madkour
Ameen Abd El-Maksode Afify
Abdelaal Alameddin Abdallaha
Galal Abd Elmegeed Elsayed
Marwa Sayed Salem


Thieno[2,3-b]pyridine-2-carboxylate was utilized to construct a variety of new heterocyclic systems such as thienopyrimidinone, thienopyridine and pyridothienoxazinone derivatives. Treatment of pyridothienoxazinone derivative with some other nitrogen nucleophiles afforded 3-substituted-pyridothienopyramidinone derivatives. Secondary amines such as morpholine, piperidine and N-methylaniline reacted smoothly with the oxazinone derivative. When the oxazinone derivative was allowed to react with ethanol containing few drops of pyridine or formamide as a basic catalyst and heated to reflux, afforded thienopyridine ester. All the compounds were fully characterized by means of IR, MS, 1H NMR spectra and elemental analyses.


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How to Cite
Madkour, H. M. F.; Afify, A. A. E.-M.; Abdallaha, A. A.; Elsayed, G. A. E.; Salem, M. S. Synthetic Utility of Enaminoester Moiety in Heterocyclic Synthesis. Eur. J. Chem. 2010, 1, 352-359.

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