European Journal of Chemistry

Efficient deprotection of Boc group in amines and sulfamides using Dawson heteropolyacid catalyst

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Roubila Belghiche
Zinelaabidine Cheraiet
Malika Berredjem
Mostefa Abbessi
Nour-Eddine Aouf


A series of sulfamides containing two protecting groups have been synthesized starting from N-benzoylaminoacids derivatives of (glycine, alanine, valine, leucine, phenylalanine), chlorosulfonylisocyanate and primary amines. Selective deprotection of the cyclic or linear sulfamides and amines has been achieved by treatment with heteropolyacid, which is easily recoverable and reusable. This method represents a reasonable alternative to the previous reported deprotection procedures.


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How to Cite
Belghiche, R.; Cheraiet, Z.; Berredjem, M.; Abbessi, M.; Aouf, N.-E. Efficient Deprotection of Boc Group in Amines and Sulfamides Using Dawson Heteropolyacid Catalyst. Eur. J. Chem. 2012, 3, 305-309.

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Supporting Agencies

Algerian Ministry of Scientific Research (Direction Générale de la Recherche Scientifique et du Développement Technologique, DGRS-DT)
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