European Journal of Chemistry

Synthesis and reduction reaction of novel triazole compounds in the solid-media condition by using microwave method

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Musa Ozil
Emre Mentese
Bahittin Kahveci


Some new triazole-3-one compounds have been synthesized and then reduction of carbonyl group in the molecule has been carried out to give a corresponding hydroxyl group which possesses asymmetric carbon atom in good yields, short reaction times and an eco-friendly approach in solvent-free condition by using microwave irradiation.


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How to Cite
Ozil, M.; Mentese, E.; Kahveci, B. Synthesis and Reduction Reaction of Novel Triazole Compounds in the Solid-Media Condition by Using Microwave Method. Eur. J. Chem. 2012, 3, 442-446.

Article Details

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Supporting Agencies

Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey (TUBİTAK), project number, 108T221, Turkey

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