European Journal of Chemistry

Study on distribution coefficient of bromide ions from aqueous solution on ion exchange resins Indion-850, Indion-860 and Indion FF-IP

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Pravin Singare
Ram Lokhande
Vinayak Patil
Tirtha Prabhavalkar
Santoshi Tiwari


The ion exchange resin Indion-850, Indion-860 and Indion FF-IP, in bromide form were equilibrated separately with the labeled radioactive bromide ion solution of different concentrations varying from 0.005 M to 0.100 M in the temperature range of 25.0 oC to 45.0 oC. The Kd values of bromide ions were observed to be high for Indion-850 and least for Indion 860, while Indion FF-IP shows intermediate Kd values under identical experimental conditions. The difference in Kd values of bromide ions for the three resins is mainly because of the swelling pressure which depends on their water holding capacities.


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How to Cite
Singare, P.; Lokhande, R.; Patil, V.; Prabhavalkar, T.; Tiwari, S. Study on Distribution Coefficient of Bromide Ions from Aqueous Solution on Ion Exchange Resins Indion-850, Indion-860 and Indion FF-IP. Eur. J. Chem. 2010, 1, 47-49.

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