European Journal of Chemistry

Spectrophotometric determination of palladium using 2-hydraziniopyridine

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Ahmed Ahmed Soliman
Sattar Rajab Majeed
Fawzy Ali Attaby


Rapid, simple, sensitive and validated spectrophotometric method has been described for the determination of palladium (II) using 2-hydrazinopyridine. The complex product was quantitatively measured at 510 nm and the reaction conditions were studied and optimized. The stoichiometry and the stability constant of the purple colored complex has been determined spectrophotometrically in aqueous solution at 25 oC using Job’s continuous variation and the molar ratio methods. The complex has 1:1 (M:L) molar ratio and Beer’s plot was linear in the concentration ranges 1.06-9.00 μg/mL with corresponding molar absorptivity 2.978×103 L/ The limits of detection and Sandell’s sensitivity were also evaluated. The accuracy was evaluated as the % recovery (96.61-102.58) and precision was evaluated as RSD% (0.04-0.41) using inter-day and intraday analyses of multiple samples. The effect of various diverse ions on the determination of Pd(II) has been investigated.

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How to Cite
Soliman, A. A.; Majeed, S. R.; Attaby, F. A. Spectrophotometric Determination of Palladium Using 2-Hydraziniopyridine. Eur. J. Chem. 2014, 5, 150-154.

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