European Journal of Chemistry

Cation binding by some pyranopyridothiazole derivatives

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Olfa Naouali
Hussain Soleiman
Lassaad Baklouti


The binding properties of a cyanopyranopyridothiazole (L1), aminothiazole (L2), iminothiazole (L3) and phenyliminothiazole (L4) derivatives toward some transition metal and heavy metal cations, have been investigated in methanol, followed by UV spectrophotometry absorption and conductivity determination. The stoichiometries of the formed complexes and their stability constants were determined by a digital data processing. The study of extraction properties from water into dichloromethane shows a lower extraction affinity for the metal picrates with L1, unlike L2-L4 which are better extracted and specially Fe(III) with L4.

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How to Cite
Naouali, O.; Soleiman, H.; Baklouti, L. Cation Binding by Some Pyranopyridothiazole Derivatives. Eur. J. Chem. 2014, 5, 339-342.

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Carthage University, Zarzouna-Bizerta, 7021, Tunisia
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