European Journal of Chemistry

Binding properties of coumarin phthalonitrile derivatives in methanol

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Olfa Naouali
Besma Mellah
Rawdha Medyouni
Naceur Hamdi
Lassaad Baklouti


The complexation properties of coumarin phthalonitrile derivatives 1-3, towards some transition, heavy and lanthanide metal cations have been investigated in methanol by means of UV spectrophotometry and conductivity experiments. The stoichiometries of the complexes formed and their stability constants were resolved by digital processing of data. A binuclear M2L (M = Metal, L = Ligand) species were formed and the profiles of affinity of ligands 1-3 towards transition metal cations illustrate their selectivity towards Cu2+.

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How to Cite
Naouali, O.; Mellah, B.; Medyouni, R.; Hamdi, N.; Baklouti, L. Binding Properties of Coumarin Phthalonitrile Derivatives in Methanol. Eur. J. Chem. 2015, 6, 337-341.

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