European Journal of Chemistry

Vibrational spectra and normal coordinate analysis of lithium pyruvate monohydrate and its isotopic compounds

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Kazuhiko Hanai
Akio Kuwae
Ko-Ki Kunimoto
Soh-Ichi Kitoh


IR and Raman spectra of lithium pyruvate monohydrate and its O- and C-deuterated and 13C- and 18O-substituted compounds have been recorded in the solid state, and the observed bands have been assigned by using the isotope effects and the normal coordinate calculations based on the gem-diol structure (lithium 2,2-dihydroxypropionate). The refined force constants have well reproduced the observed frequencies and the 13C- and 18O-shifts. These results support the structures of these compounds discussed by many authors. The potential energy distributions show that many vibrational modes are very complicated except for the well-known group vibrations. The additive property of the isotopic frequency shifts has also been discussed.

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How to Cite
Hanai, K.; Kuwae, A.; Kunimoto, K.-K.; Kitoh, S.-I. Vibrational Spectra and Normal Coordinate Analysis of Lithium Pyruvate Monohydrate and Its Isotopic Compounds. Eur. J. Chem. 2014, 5, 305-310.

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