European Journal of Chemistry

A study of coupling reaction to synthesize diphenylmethane derivatives

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Huma Aslam Bhatti
Qurat-Ul-Ain Zaheer
Memoona Khatoon
Mark Edward Light
Abdul Hameed


The class of compounds having diphenylmethane framework occupy a distinct place in natural bioactive compounds and also serve as useful intermediates in various commercially important synthetic molecules. Conventionally, Friedel-Craft type reactions were used to synthesize such diphenylmethane derivatives. However, herein we report a unique approach in which, two benzyl alcohol molecules were coupled in the presence of different halogenating agents (SOCl2, PBr3 and MeSO2Cl) to afford the desired diphenylmethane derivative, bis(2,4-bis(benzyloxy)-5-methoxyphenyl)methane. It has been found that the coupling reaction is strongly influenced by the electronic effects and number of the substituents on the phenyl ring. The resultant compound, bis(2,4-bis(benzyloxy)-5-methoxyphenyl)methane, was obtained in excellent yield (83-85%) and completely characterize with different spectroscopic techniques.

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How to Cite
Bhatti, H. A.; Zaheer, Q.-U.-A.; Khatoon, M.; Light, M. E.; Hameed, A. A Study of Coupling Reaction to Synthesize Diphenylmethane Derivatives. Eur. J. Chem. 2014, 5, 513-516.

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