European Journal of Chemistry

Utility of 2-cyano-N-(2-hydroxyethyl) acetamide in heterocyclic synthesis

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Moustafa Ahmed Gouda
Meshal Abdulrahim Sabah
Waled Khaled Aljuhani
Ahmed Saleh El-Gahani
Snad Abd El-Karem El-Enazi
Salem Atalleh Al Enizi
Majed Musallam Al-Balawi


This review presents a systematic and comprehensive survey of the method of preparation and the chemical reactivity of 2-cyano-N-(2-hydroxyethyl) acetamide. The target compounds are important intermediates for the synthesis of a variety of synthetically useful and novel heterocyclic systems.

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How to Cite
Gouda, M. A.; Sabah, M. A.; Aljuhani, W. K.; El-Gahani, A. S.; El-Enazi, S. A. E.-K.; Al Enizi, S. A.; Al-Balawi, M. M. Utility of 2-Cyano-N-(2-Hydroxyethyl) Acetamide in Heterocyclic Synthesis. Eur. J. Chem. 2015, 6, 219-224.

Article Details

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