European Journal of Chemistry

Solvatochromic absorption and fluorescence studies of adenine, thymine and uracil thio-derived acyclonucleosides

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Hassan Hasan Hammud
Mohammad Hasan El-Dakdouki
Nada Mohamd Sonji
Kamal Hani Bouhadir


Adenine, thymine and uracil thio-derived acyclonucleosides were synthesized and characterized by UV-Vis, FT-IR, 1H and 13C NMR spectroscopic techniques. The photophysical properties of the derivatives were evaluated in solvents with diverse polarities and at various pH values. The solvent dependent absorbance and emission spectral shifts were analysed using physical parameters of the selected solvents. The regression and correlation coefficients were calculated using multiple regression techniques. The fitting coefficients gave an estimate of the contribution of each interaction to the total spectral shift in various solutions. Multiple linear regression studies, Kamlet-Taft equation and stokes shift correlation with orientation polarizability provide valuable information concerning spectroscopic characteristics of the studied molecules.

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How to Cite
Hammud, H. H.; El-Dakdouki, M. H.; Sonji, N. M.; Bouhadir, K. H. Solvatochromic Absorption and Fluorescence Studies of Adenine, Thymine and Uracil Thio-Derived Acyclonucleosides. Eur. J. Chem. 2015, 6, 325-336.

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Supporting Agencies

Kamal Shair Central Research Science Laboratory (KAS-CRSL), Lebanese National Research Council (LNCSR) and the University Research Board (URB) at the American University of Beirut, Lebanon
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