European Journal of Chemistry

Influence of polymer binder structure on the properties of the graphite anode for lithium-ion batteries

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Monika Osinska-Broniarz
Agnieszka Martyla
Lukasz Majchrzycki
Marek Nowicki
Agnieszka Sierczynska


This paper discusses the impact of the structure and properties of three different polymer binders: polyvinylidene fluoride, sodium carboxymethyl cellulose and polyvinyl alcohol, on the electrochemical properties of spherical graphite anodes for Li-ion batteries. Electrochemical tests indicate that the nature of polyvinylidene fluoride contributes in decreasing the cycle life of graphite electrodes in contrast to effective water-based binders. This study demonstrates the possibility of manufacturing graphite-based electrode for Li-ion batteries that cycle longer and use water in the processing, instead of hazardous organic solvents like N-methylpyrrolidone, thereby improving performance, reducing cost and protecting the environment.

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How to Cite
Osinska-Broniarz, M.; Martyla, A.; Majchrzycki, L.; Nowicki, M.; Sierczynska, A. Influence of Polymer Binder Structure on the Properties of the Graphite Anode for Lithium-Ion Batteries. Eur. J. Chem. 2016, 7, 182-186.

Article Details

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Supporting Agencies

Ministry of Science and Higher Education (No, DS.3787/E-138/S/2013 and no. DS.3787/E-138/S/2014-2015), Poland
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