European Journal of Chemistry

Eco-friendly UPLC method for determination of Levetiracetam and its toxic related substance

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Nehal Fayek Farid
Nada Sayed Abdelwahab


Nowadays, analytical chemistry society is aware of the hazardous influence of chemicals on both health and environment. Additionally, chemists are more interested in eco-friendly methods of analysis. Levetiracetam (LEV) is an antiepileptic drug with no significant interaction with other medications and so it is a safe treatment in elderly people. The toxic pyridine-2-ol is reported in British Pharmacopoeia to be LEV impurity C (IMP-C) and related substance. A highly sensitive eco-friendly UPLC method was introduced for the first time for analysis of LEV and its toxic IMP. Separation has been carried out on CN column using 0.1% aqueous sodium lauryl sulphate:acetonitrile (7:93, v:v) with UV scanning at 205 nm. USP recommendations for method validation have been followed with respect to linearity, accuracy, robustness and ruggedness. The developed method was successfully applied for quantitation of LEV in its tablets dosage form and statistical analysis with the reported method showed no significant difference at confidence limit of 95%. The short run time (<3 minutes) and high sensitivity are of the most advantageous of developed method over the reported one.

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How to Cite
Farid, N. F.; Abdelwahab, N. S. Eco-Friendly UPLC Method for Determination of Levetiracetam and Its Toxic Related Substance. Eur. J. Chem. 2016, 7, 329-333.

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Supporting Agencies

Sigma Pharmaceutical Industries, Quesna, Menoufia, Egypt.
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