European Journal of Chemistry

Effect of microwave oven processing treatments on reduction of Aflatoxin B1 and Ochratoxin A in maize flour


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Hourieh Alkadi
Jihad Altal


The effect of microwave heat has been evaluated for reduction of Aflatoxin B1 and Ochratoxin A in artificially contaminated maize flour. Contaminated maize flour were heated in microwave for various times at two different power levels. The results suggest that Aflatoxin B1 and Ochratoxin A contamination can be reduced by heating samples using microwave oven. The exposure time to heat appears to have a great effect in reduction both of the toxins in maize flour samples. It is also necessary to pay attention on initial concentrations of Aflatoxin B1 or Ochratoxin A in studied maize flour samples.

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How to Cite
Alkadi, H.; Altal, J. Effect of Microwave Oven Processing Treatments on Reduction of Aflatoxin B1 and Ochratoxin A in Maize Flour. Eur. J. Chem. 2019, 10, 224-227.

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Arab International University, Damascus, Syria.
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