European Journal of Chemistry

Joule-Thomson coefficients and inversion curves from newly developed cubic equations of state


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Binay Prakash Akhouri
Sumit Kaur


In this work, we have generalized different parametric forms of cubic equations of state (EoSs) to predict complete Joule-Thomson (J-T) inversion curves for methane at wide temperature and pressure ranges. EoSs of the Soave-Redlich-Kwong (SRK), Peng-Robinson (PR), Patel-Teja (PT), Esmaeilzadeh-Roshanfekr (ER) and the Hagtalab-Kamali-Mazloumi-Mahmoodi (HKMM) along with frequently used cohesion functions α(Tr) have been considered for plot of J-T inversion curves. The PR EoS along with different cohesion functions such as those of the Soave, Antonin Chapoy and the Tau-Sim-Tassone have been also tested for accurate prediction of the inversion curves. The four parametric EoSs of Adachi-Lu-Sugie (ALS), and Lawal-Lake-Silberberg (LLS) with their associated cohesion functions have been used for the prediction of J-T inversion curves. It has been observed that for the plot of inversion curves the LLS EoS is inadequate while the ER EoS agrees well with the previous measurements made in Laboratory. Besides, the J-T coefficient measurements from EoSs have been made for carbon dioxide and nitrogen gases at temperatures from 273.15 to 473.15 K and at pressures from 10 to 1000 atm, respectively. The uncertainties of experimental J-T coefficients data of carbon dioxide from values calculated using EoSs at constant pressure of 1 atm and 20 atm and with varying temperatures have been studied.

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How to Cite
Akhouri, B. P.; Kaur, S. Joule-Thomson Coefficients and Inversion Curves from Newly Developed Cubic Equations of State. Eur. J. Chem. 2019, 10, 244-255.

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