European Journal of Chemistry

NaOH/PEG-400: An eloquent system for the synthesis of new thienyl benzo[b]1,4-diazepines


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Gajanan Gopinath Mandawad
Baseer Mubeen Shaikh
Santosh Subhash Chobe
Shankaraiah Guruvaiah Konda


A simple and eloquent procedure for the synthesis of a new series of thienyl benzo[b]1,4-diazepines is reported. They were synthesized by the condensation of o-phenylenediamine (o-PDA) with distinct hetero chalcones using NaOH in polyethylene glycol (PEG-400) as green and alternative reaction solvent. The significances of this present method are shorter reaction time, easy work-up, high yields, and mild reaction conditions. Furthermore, this method is environment friendly and without use of an expensive catalyst. The all newly synthesized compounds are characterized by the spectroscopic methods.

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How to Cite
Mandawad, G. G.; Shaikh, B. M.; Chobe, S. S.; Konda, S. G. NaOH/PEG-400:/An/Eloquent/System/for/the/Synthesis/of/New/Thienyl/benzo[b]1,4-Diazepines. Eur. J. Chem. 2020, 11, 276-279.

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