European Journal of Chemistry

X-ray crystal structure analysis of N'-acetyl-N'-phenyl-2-naphthohydrazide


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Varun Sharma
Indrajit Karmakar
Goutam Brahmachari
Vivek Kumar Gupta


N'-Acetyl-N'-phenyl-2-naphthohydrazide, a biologically relevant organic molecule, was synthesized following a reported method and characterized based on its single X-ray crystallographic studies. The present manuscript deals with its detailed molecular interactions and X-ray crystal structure. Its space group is P-1 with the following unit cell parameters: a = 8.9164(7), b = 9.7058(9), c = 17.7384(12) Å, α = 88.308(7)°, β = 89.744(6)°, γ = 86.744(7)° and Z = 2. Crystal structure was solved by direct method and refined by full matrix least squares procedure to a final R value of 0.0580 and to a GOOF value of 1.066. The X-ray diffraction analyses showed that the asymmetric unit contains two crystallographically independent molecules. The crystal structure is stabilized by elaborate network of N-H···O and C-H···O hydrogen bonds along with C-H···π and π···π interactions to form supramolecular structures.

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How to Cite
Sharma, V.; Karmakar, I.; Brahmachari, G.; Gupta, V. K. X-Ray Crystal Structure Analysis of N’-Acetyl-N’-Phenyl-2-Naphthohydrazide. Eur. J. Chem. 2022, 13, 253-258.

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University of Jammu, Jammu, India, for financial support under the Rashtriya Uchchatar Shiksha Abhiyan (RUSA) 2.0 Project (Ref. No, RUSA/JU/2/2019-20/111/3588-3636).

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