European Journal of Chemistry

An efficient synthesis of quinoxalines catalyzed by monoammonium salt of 12-tungstophosphoric acid

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Vijayalakshmi Kunkuma
Lakshmi Anu Prabhavathi Devi Bethala
Yadagiri Bhongiri
Badari Narayana Prasad Rachapudi
Seetharamanjaneya Sai Prasad Potharaju


Monoammonium salt of 12-tungstophosphoric acid [(NH4)H2PW12O40] catalyst was used for the synthesis of biologically important quinoxaline derivatives in excellent yields from various aromatic 1,2-dicarbonyl and 1,2-diamines. The methodology has the advantages of mild reaction conditions with simple workup procedure, even for the synthesis of quinoxaline derivatives from sterically hindered diamine.


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How to Cite
Kunkuma, V.; Bethala, L. A. P. D.; Bhongiri, Y.; Rachapudi, B. N. P.; Potharaju, S. S. P. An Efficient Synthesis of Quinoxalines Catalyzed by Monoammonium Salt of 12-Tungstophosphoric Acid. Eur. J. Chem. 2011, 2, 495-498.

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