European Journal of Chemistry

Synthesis and reactions of 3-aminotetrachloroquinazolin-2,4-dione

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Mamdouh Adly Hassan
Ahmed Mohamed Mosalem Younes
Mohamed Mobark Taha
Abou-Bakr Haredy Abdel-Monsef


N-phenylsulphonyloxytetrachlorophthalimide was obtained by treatment of N-hydroxy tetrachlorophthalimide with benzenesulphonyl chloride. Also, the titled compound 3 was obtained by reaction of compound 2 with hydrazine hydrate via Lossen rearrangement. Compound 3 used as starting material for the synthesis of new pyrimidine and quinazolinedione derivatives containing four chlorine atoms which have pharmacological activity.


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How to Cite
Hassan, M. A.; Younes, A. M. M.; Taha, M. M.; Abdel-Monsef, A.-B. H. Synthesis and Reactions of 3-Aminotetrachloroquinazolin-2,4-Dione. Eur. J. Chem. 2011, 2, 514-518.

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