European Journal of Chemistry

Synthesis and spectral characterization of some heterocyclic nitrogen compounds

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Mamdouh Adly Hassan
Maghrabi Ali Seleem
Ahmed Mohamed Mosallem Younes
Mohamed Mobark Taha
Abou-Bakr Haredi Abdel-Monsef


Quinazolines and pyrimidines are most important class of compounds and have received much attention from both synthetic and medicinal chemists, because of the diverse range of their pharmacological properties. Owing to their versatile chemotherapeutic importance, a number of quinazolin-2,4-dione derivatives were synthesized using appropriate synthetic routes and characterized by IR, 1H NMR, MS, and elemental analysis.


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How to Cite
Hassan, M. A.; Seleem, M. A.; Younes, A. M. M.; Taha, M. M.; Abdel-Monsef, A.-B. H. Synthesis and Spectral Characterization of Some Heterocyclic Nitrogen Compounds. Eur. J. Chem. 2013, 4, 121-123.

Article Details

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