European Journal of Chemistry

An efficient and facile ring closure of 2’-hydroxychalcones under irradiation of tungsten light

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Sainath Zangade
Avinash Shinde
Arvind Patil
Yeshwant Vibhute


An efficient, green and facile reaction has been reported between 2’-hydroxychalcones and hydrazine hydrate in 2-methoxyethanol in presence of catalytic amount of acetic acid under irradiation of tungsten light to afford 2-pyrazolines. Present methodology presents several advantages including simple reaction procedure, no need of catalyst/special apparatus and short reaction time giving quantitative yields of product.


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How to Cite
Zangade, S.; Shinde, A.; Patil, A.; Vibhute, Y. An Efficient and Facile Ring Closure of 2’-Hydroxychalcones under Irradiation of Tungsten Light. Eur. J. Chem. 2012, 3, 208-210.

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University Grant Commission, New Delhi, India

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