European Journal of Chemistry

Eaton’s reagent catalysed alacritous synthesis of 3-benzazepinones

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Shubhavathi Thimmaiah
Mallesha Ningegowda
Nanjunda Swamy Shivananju
Raghu Ningegowda
Ranjith Siddaraj
Babu Shubha Priya


An expeditious method for the synthesis of 3-benzazepinones has been developed by using a mixture of phosphorus pentoxide-methane sulfonic acid (Eaton’s reagent) at room temperature under solvent and metal catalyst free condition. Wide functional group tolerance, mild reaction conditions, simple procedure, ease of work-up and high yields is the citable features of this protocol.

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How to Cite
Thimmaiah, S.; Ningegowda, M.; Shivananju, N. S.; Ningegowda, R.; Siddaraj, R.; Priya, B. S. Eaton’s Reagent Catalysed Alacritous Synthesis of 3-Benzazepinones. Eur. J. Chem. 2016, 7, 391-396.

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Supporting Agencies

Science and Engineering Research Board, New Delhi [Start-Up-Research Grant (Young Scientists)-Life Sciences] No, SB/FT/LS-297/2012] and University Grants Commission, New Delhi, Govt. of India under UGC-MRP vide No. F. No, 41/224/2012 (SR).
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