European Journal of Chemistry

Synthesis, characterization and crystal structure of ethyl 4-(3-chloro benzamido)benzoate

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Aamer Saeed
Hummera Rafique
Ulrich Flörke


The title compound was efficiently synthesized in two steps starting from esterification of 4-aminobenzoic acid followed by amidation with 3-chlorobenzoyl chloride in dry tetrahydrofuran. The structure was confirmed by spectroscopic data and elemental analysis. The molecular structure was determined from single crystal X-ray diffraction data. It crystallizes in the triclinic space group P-1 with Z = 2 and unit cell dimensions a = 5.2941(15) Å, b = 8.157(2) Å, c = 16.238(4) Å, α = 82.682(6)°, β = 84.481(6)°, γ = 80.100(6)° and V = 683.2(3) Å3.


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How to Cite
Saeed, A.; Rafique, H.; Flörke, U. Synthesis, Characterization and Crystal Structure of Ethyl 4-(3-Chloro benzamido)benzoate. Eur. J. Chem. 2010, 1, 289-290.

Article Details

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