European Journal of Chemistry

Microwave assisted synthesis of some azo disperse dyes part 2: Eco-friendly dyeing of polyester fabrics by using microwave irradiation


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Mohamed Osman Saleh
Morsy Ahmed El-Apasery
Abdelhaleem Mostafa Hussein
Abu-Bakr Abdelhady El-Adasy
Magda Mohamed Kamel


This study aimed to use microwave irradiation as a green technique, not only to enhance the dyeing efficiency of disperse-colored polyester fabrics, but also to conserve resources and minimize the environmental effects. Arylazopyrazolopyrimidinones dyes 1-9 were applied to polyester fabrics at 2% shade using conventional method and microwave at 100 °C. Both the color intensity expressed as dye absorption and the fastness characteristics of the dyed fabric were investigated. The K/S values are increased by increasing the time of irradiation from 10-60 minutes. The dyed substrate displayed good light fastness, and very good fastness levels to rubbing, perspiration washing, and sublimation, respectively.

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How to Cite
Saleh, M. O.; El-Apasery, M. A.; Hussein, A. M.; El-Adasy, A.-B. A.; Kamel, M. M. Microwave Assisted Synthesis of Some Azo Disperse Dyes Part 2: Eco-Friendly Dyeing of Polyester Fabrics by Using Microwave Irradiation. Eur. J. Chem. 2021, 12, 64-68.

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