European Journal of Chemistry

Arylazoazines and arylazoazoles as interesting disperse dyes: Recent developments with emphasis on our contribution laboratory outcomes

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Saleh Mohammed Al-Mousawi
Morsy Ahmed El-Apasery
Mohamed Hilmy Elnagdi


In this review, we report a survey on the synthesis and application of arylazoazines and arylazoazoles as versatile disperse dyes. Recent reports on the synthesis of arylazonicotinates via condensing arylhydrazonals with active methylene nitriles in acetic acid in presence of ammonium acetate is surveyed. The scope and limitations of this synthetic approach which in some cases afford pyridazinones or arylazonicotinates is defined. Microwave assisted as well as ultra sound assisted synthesis of arylazopyridones as established marketed dyes is also surveyed. Conversion of these arylazopyridones into arylazothienopyridones that can de converted into arylazoisoquinoline derivatives is discussed. Synthesis of arylazopyrazoles and pyrazolopyrimidines via microwave or ultra sound is discussed. The utility of the synthesized compounds as well as antimicrobial disperse dyes and efforts to define their potentialities are also covered.

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How to Cite
Al-Mousawi, S. M.; El-Apasery, M. A.; Elnagdi, M. H. Arylazoazines and Arylazoazoles As Interesting Disperse Dyes: Recent Developments With Emphasis on Our Contribution Laboratory Outcomes. Eur. J. Chem. 2014, 5, 192-200.

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Supporting Agencies

Kuwait University through a research grant (SC 05/09) and the facilities of GF-S, supported by research grants (GS01/01), (GS03/08), (GS01/03) and (GS01/05)
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