European Journal of Chemistry

Synthesis, antifungal activity and semi-empirical AM1-MO calculations of some new 4-oxo-4H-chromene derivatives

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Hafez Mohamed El-Shaaer
Salah Abdel-Ghaffar Abdel-Aziz
Faten Ismail Hanafy
Tarik El-Sayed Ali
Ali Zaky El-Fauomy


Some new antifungal agents have been prepared through reaction of 4-oxo-4H-chromene-3-carbaldehydes (1a,b) with some active primary amines (2a-e) and amides/thioamides (6a-d) in different conditions. Structures of the products were established on the basis of elemental analysis, IR, 1H NMR, mass spectra and semi-empirical AM1-MO calculations.2_2_158_162_800

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How to Cite
El-Shaaer, H. M.; Abdel-Aziz, S. A.-G.; Hanafy, F. I.; Ali, T. E.-S.; El-Fauomy, A. Z. Synthesis, Antifungal Activity and Semi-Empirical AM1-MO Calculations of Some New 4-Oxo-4H-Chromene Derivatives. Eur. J. Chem. 2011, 2, 158-162.

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