European Journal of Chemistry

3-Formylchromones as diverse building blocks in heterocycles synthesis

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Tarik El-Sayed Ali
Magdy Ahmed Ibrahim
Nasser Mohamed El-Gohary
Azza Mohamed El‐Kazak


This review covers the chemical reactivity of 3-formylchromones towards condensation reactions with a variety of carbon and nitrogen nucleophiles. Some chromone derivatives linked a variety of heterocyclic systems were prepared from the direct condensation of 3-formylchromones with heterocyclic compounds containing active methylene groups. A diverse number of fused heterocyclic systems were prepared from the reaction of 3-formylchromones with some bifunctional nucleophiles, these reactions mainly proceed via condensation with the aldehydic function followed by nucleophilic attack at C-2 position of the chromone moiety.


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Ali, T. E.-S.; Ibrahim, M. A.; El-Gohary, N. M.; El‐Kazak, A. M. 3-Formylchromones As Diverse Building Blocks in Heterocycles Synthesis. Eur. J. Chem. 2013, 4, 311-328.

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